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Software Utility for All XPR Biometric Readers

The BIOMANAGER-CS fingerprint and code management software is provided to allow connection and set-up of all XPR biometric readers to any third-party controllers. The enrolment could be done from any biometric reader on-site or from USB desktop enrolment units.

Features Specifications Support Related products

XPR / Solutions / ONLine Access / Softwares /



Readers Configuration

Users and fingerprint enrolment interface management.
Finger template storage.
Upload templates to readers. Reader's firmware updates.

Fingerprint Enrolment

Fingerprint enrolment from any networked biometric reader or USB desktop enrollment unit (BIOE, BIOPROX-USB, B100PROX-USB). The fingerprints could be sent to one or all biometric readers in the Network.


Client-Server software: Multiple users can connect on the server PC
Compatible with: Windows: 8, 7, Vista, Server 2008, Windows 10
Application type: Windows service
Startup: Started with Windows, no Windows user login required
Watchdog: Yes
Maximum connected Clients: Unlimited
Maximum number of Servers: Unlimited, connected to one Server at the time
Import/Export users: Yes, from/to Excel
Access levels: Yes
Client-Server communication: Encrypted, dynamic key
Database: Microsoft Access
Report export films: PDF, XLS, CSV, XML, HTML, RTF, TXT
Supported devices: BioE (Desktop biometric reader)
Multilanguage: EN, FR, NL, DE, ES, IT, PT, PL, CZ
* All product specifications are subject to change without notice.


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